Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Official Music Camp Rant...

First and foremost, music camp was a blast. I was on my own this year as far as running things behind the scenes without D!, and I survived . Also, a huge thank you to Mike Bossman for being one of the coolest coworkers I have ever had the pleasure of working with. His humor was one of the main reasons I made it through the week without getting terribly crabby.  Also, I will never forget the rap that Bossman and I left on Holdhusen's voice mail. The other reason I survived music camp and especially Sunday night was due to my awesome volunteers--Amanda and Andrew. Both Holdhusen and I noticed that when everyone else went to bed and left the FA, it was Andrew and Amanda who stayed behind and helped us till 1 am when we finally finished at the FA. They even stuck with me after that while I had to bring everything over to the the dorms and only made it out of there around 2am. 

Important lessons from camp:
1) never piss off a camp parent, even if it is over something stupid like a chair placement in the secondary jazz group...
2) always keep a full stock of food and pop for the counselors, and you better make that 'real' pop, cause the RC Cola was not appreciated...
3) (for me) buy one of those special hearing aid thingys you see on tv that allows you to pick up on conversations better, so that when Holdhusen calls and asks you to do something quickly, you don't have to ask "what?!" three times....
4) (also for me) don't play with the sousaphones on Thursday night knowing full well you will never make it out of bed early enough Friday to play them and wake up the kids
5) don't eat the gluten free bread served at the Commons... I thought it just tasted bland and like crumbly something or another, but according to Dave Earll, it tastes like sawdust.

The rest is just pure rant.
1) I love my counselors, but.... when four counselors are sitting in Knutson and just chilling and I'm setting up gear and I need someone to go close the doors so that parents will stop coming in, and I ask if someone will do it, it would be really nice if someone would just stand the heck up and do it, instead of me standing there awkwardly staring.

2) I love music camp parents, but.... when you and your child come up to me at the question table, and you let your child yell at me for their own mistakes on their applications, that is not cool.  It is not my fault that your kid signed up for every ensemble offered and therefore has no time for electives and musical activities.

3) I love music camp kids, especially vocalists, but.... I have been dealing with my share of divas in the last couple years and I have no desire to see more in the making. To 'Diva' as we so aptly named her last week, you need to grow up and realize that the world does not spin around you, and neither does music camp. No, I will not go out of my way to schedule your "extra" voice lessons during World Drumming because "it wasn't fun when I took drumming at this other music camp last year..." and no, I will not pull you out of show choir just because " the pop music they chose gave me a migraine..." I feel horrible that Dr. G had to put up with you for four voice lessons! Oh, and just so you know for future cases, coming into the office and having a full fledged meltdown in front of me and all of the counselors is not the way to win people over. It only gives us something else to laugh at after you leave the office.


1 comment:

  1. I wish i was there to help. I'm good with the diva types. :) I shut them up pretty fast. I'm not nice to them. :)
