People all make friends in different ways, and mostly without thinking about it. There are several techniques used when making a friend, but once again most people don't think about that aspect.
I've debated with my friends about this on several occasions because of how opposite we work in this department. One of my best friends explained to me the process someone has to go through in order to get to the "friend" status.
#1 person must have strong and dynamic personality
#2 person has to be able to hold their own in a group setting
#3 person must prove themselves (which apparently is determined by my friend)
After hearing this, my jaw had to be removed from the floor. I was appalled! My friend explained to me that this was his method of not getting hurt in the long run and not having to deal with "fair weather" friends.
I thought about it for awhile and figured out my own technique to making a friend :
#1 approach stranger by myself or through friend and say "hi" and carry on conversation
(optional)#2 look up on facebook and "friend" them
#3 hang out with them in large or small group setting
#4 be friends?
I'm fairly certain that I consider someone a friend after step #1.
It was just weird to hear that people actually think about how they make friends, instead of worrying why they need a specific process to abide by to make a friend in the first place.
I do that as well. The person has to meet my criteria and not annoy me. If they start to annoy me I am jerk and talk about them. I am a horrible person when it comes to friends. I do not do things publicly obviously but whatever. Nice blog! I like when you write.