Tuesday, August 3, 2010

another USD scam...

So, I'm moving back into McFadden in August for the third full year. I'm excited because Ashley will be one of my new roommates, and whether we kill each other or not while living together, it will be nice to live with a friend that I already know. However, USD being USD, has decided to make my life miserable with paperwork and appointments up the wazoo.
When I first received my bill for the fall semester this year, it showed a $695 deduction for a meal plan. This is the first time that USD has tried to charge me for a meal plan since I'm a non-trad upperclassman. Kirsten Compary (former VP of Student Services), warned me that it might happen last spring, but said it would be a breeze to get out of it, and to talk to her. Well, she's gone. So I talked to several housing people and they all agreed that I can try and go through the appeals process. This includes crappy paperwork, doctor's notes and sitting before a committee 2-4 weeks AFTER school starts. When I went to download the appeals form, I started reading the requirements and I noticed this--

Appeals Not Granted For:

  • The building in which a student lives. 
  • Personal convenience (i.e. money can be saved by purchasing groceries).
  • Vegetarian/vegan and gluten-free options. Students and family members are encouraged to talk with USD Dining Services Executive Chef to discuss their individual nutritional needs and learn about the food options available through all of the Dining Services locations.  A meeting can be arranged by calling 677-5334.
  • Scholarship status. Community Advisors and Athletes on certain scholarships will not be considered for reduced or exempt meal plans.

So, we'll see how the appeals process goes. I can't believe they expect me to eat $700 worth of tacos morning noon and night!

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