I had a dream... about three years ago or so, and I still can't forget it. I was at Shoreview Water Park up in Shoreview, MN. (For those of you not familiar with the place, it's massive. It has waterslides, separate sections, and all of the usual fancy gadgets and toys like the giant mushrooms that have water spilling out of them, "lily pads" that you can try to walk across, a basketball hoop, hot tub, sauna, etc...)
In the dream, I walked into the water park and stood frozen. I saw a friendly T-Rex laying on its side next to the pool and splashing water at some of the kids. The T-Rex looked like a cross between Puff the Magic Dragon and the T-Rex from Toy Story. He was laughing, well, in a deep dinosaur grunting kind of way...
I jumped into the pool and started splashing around myself, just trying to have a good time, but every once in awhile, I would glance around nervously to make sure the dinosaur was still in the same spot and still playing with the other kids. As the hours wore on, I gradually made my way closer to the dinosaur because I wanted to attempt crossing the "lily pads" that were floating there. The dinosaur splashed water on me, and I laughed just like all of the other kids did, but secretly I was still very nervous to be around him. After the "lily pads", I started playing water basketball with a group of kids that were closer to my age. We were having a great time until we heard a little boy crying. I looked to where I thought the boy would be, but all of a sudden I heard a ferocious roar from behind me. The dinosaur was on two feet and his nose was in the air, like he could smell something. All of the kids in and around the pool were now screaming and kicking, trying to get out as fast as they could. Finally, I noticed the boy that had screamed. He was standing frozen in shock, dripping blood. He had cut himself somehow and for some reason wasn't moving. I glanced back at the dinosaur. He was staring straight at the little boy. I watched in awe as the dinosaur ran towards the boy, grabbed him with his powerful jaws, and ripped the boy in half. I stared in disbelief at what was happening. Then, like a bolt of lightning, I jumped out of the pool and ran towards the Emergency Exit, out into the bright sunlight.
Everything went bright.
I opened my eyes, and I was back at the water park. It wasn't quite like a "Groundhog Day" because I noticed that there were different people in and around the pool. I stood confused for a moment, but slowly made my way to the opposite side of the pool from the dinosaur--who was in the same spot, splashing water and having a good time. I jumped in cautiously, and saw a boy that I had played basketball with before and made my way towards him. I asked if what I saw before really happened, and he responded "yes." He went on to explain that the dinosaur had a keen smell for blood, and whenever he smelled it, he turned into a crazed animal and would start attacking people left and right. He said that day after day, the whole thing just started over again, and ended in the same bloody mess.
So on it went, just as he said it would. Someone would trip, or cut themselves, and the dinosaur would attack. Eventually I got used to it, and I wasn't as afraid to be around the dinosaur because I figured I could always get away fast enough.
One day, I decided to play in the area by the dinosaur, and I wanted to jump into the pool doing a cannonball--except that I slipped and fell on the hard concrete before I ever made it into the pool. The wind was knocked out of me and I couldn't move, but I saw something red on the ground next to me. I thought to myself "oh shit, I'm bleeding... just great." Then time sped up, literally. I was running for my life, the dinosaur was chasing me around the pool, and then chasing me through hallways, until finally I found myself at a dead end in some weird old room. Then time reversed, and everything was slower than normal. Before I realized what had happened, two guys appeared at my side--one holding a sword, and the other a watch. The guy with the sword claimed to be a prince and said he would slay the dinosaur if I chose to go with him. The other guy with the watch claimed to be able to stop time long enough for me to escape if I chose to go with him. I saw the dinosaur approaching from the hallway, and then I glanced at each of the guys. Both were extremely attractive, and just as I was about to make a decision, I woke up.
The End?